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Holiness Young People's Bible Study History
                                                            By Bishop U.S. King

The church began in 1914 around Shreveport, Louisiana, in Caddo Parish when Judge and Sarah King went there. Mother King (Sarah King) began a school and Home Mission Department. About 1915 they call Professor E.J. Darrett who, with Mother King, taught in the school and the church. In 1915 Professor Darrett proposed to set up a young people's meeting called Holiness Young People's Union - HYPU. Union meant that the Sunday School, youth, and other educational departments that were composed of young people, were in union at 6:00 o'clock Sunday evening. 

E.J. Darrett was the President of HYPU from 1915 to 1930. In 1932 Brother Clyde Watts became the Young People's director for a period of two or three years. U.S. King (now Bishop) became the Youth Leader in 1935. He printed and published the topics and subjects for the young people. 

In Oakland in 1937, Judge King and number of others decided to change the young people's meeting to a Bible Study to maintain the interest of the youth. They dropped the U in HYPU and made it HYPBS. It has thus been labeled Holiness Young People'e Bible Study since 1937. However, the young people could not understand the adult Bible discussion so they drifted away from the meetings. U.S. King contended for the young people to maintain their position and come to church at 6:00 on Sunday evenings to study the Bible. In HYPBS they had Bible Study and street meetings. President King encouraged a monthly youth program featuring musicians and various kinds of talent drawn from the young people in the community. Out of this work some fine talented young people were saved and filled with God. From 1946 to 1976 Elder Benjamin Betters was president of the Youth Department. 

                                    Additional History: By Elder Vernon James 

After Elder Benjamin Betters, Elder R.L. Williams of Lawton Oklahoma became National Youth President in the year 1976. Elder Williams labored diligently with his staff of workers. He served this department faithfully and selected Elder Vernon James to work with him. For several years under the guidance of Elder Williams, Elder Vernon James assisted the National HYPBS Department. On August 18, 1985, Elder Vernon James was appointed to the office of National President. 

                                     Additional History: By Evangelist Esther Davis, 1990

Elder James and his staff worked together to fulfill the vision God had given to him. Evangelist Esther Davis was appointed as his assistant for his term of office. In August 1989, Evangelist Davis was appointed to office of National HYPBS President. August 1990, Minister Ezra Randle was appointed as assistant to National HYPBS President. In August of 1993, Evangelist Davis was appointed by the National Board of Presbtyrs to serve another term as National HYPBS President.  

                                    Additional History: By Pastor Louis Smith, 2004

In 1994 Evangelist Davis selected Elder Michael Williams as her assistant and in August 1997, Elder Michael Williams was appointed by the National Board, to the office of National HYPBS President. Elder Williams has worked untiringly to continue to build this National Youth Department and take it to a higher level as the Lord gives him direction.

In August 2003, by divine appointment from the Holy Spirit, Board of Presbyters of the Christ Holy Sanctified Church, Board One, appointed Pastor Louis G. Smith to succeed Pastor Michael Williams as National Youth President of the Christ Holy Sanctified Church. Pastor Smith appointed Min. Erica Braxter as his Vice President to work by his side, along with an anointed staff of State Directors, to usher our youth into their destiny’s and to make known to them the knowledge of the Word of God, and to open up to them the plan God has for them.

Past National HYPU/HYPBS Presidents

1915-1930*                       E.J. Darrett                      
1932-1935*                       Clyde Watts    
1935-1946*                       U.S. King Sr.
1946-1976                        Benjamin Betters            
1976-1985                        R. L. Williams                  
1985-1990                        Vernon James                
1990-1997                        Esther Davis                   
1997-2003                        Michael Williams            
2003-2010                        Louis Smith

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